A few minutes later, I checked came back to view his
creation and was quite surprised to find out that he did not create a drawing,
but an anchor chart instead! Here is what I found:
Smiling, he told me how we meet characters in books and they
all have traits that make them special. Since the chart paper reminded him of
school, he wanted to make a “school chart” instead of a drawing. We talked
about all of the traits he had listed and his twin sister joined the
conversation, adding a few of her own. We talked about our favorite characters
and our favorite traits and had a great conversation before leaving for school
and work. What a proud Mom and teacher I was!
Obviously, the idea of character traits was something that was important to him and helped his comprehension as a reader and the connections he was making to characters and texts. Ironically, that same week, I talked with a 7th/8th grade English teacher and we discussed how to teach character traits using text evidence in a way that was more engaging than the NYS Expeditionary Learning modules recommended. We decided to create character x-rays using quotes and evidence from the book to form conclusions about the characters we were reading about. I thought I would share our ideas here and give you a template I created for an elementary lesson on character traits and showcase the pictures of the life-size x-rays from her classroom in case you would like to try it.
First, if you are interested in the ideas of character
x-rays, be sure to read the article written by Pamela Jewett about them here: http://www.childrensliteratureassembly.org/docs/pamela-jewett-article.pdf
To begin, talk with students about external and internal
character traits, how they differ and connect together. Show the blank
character x-ray as a visual graphic.
External characteristics are
those we can see and explicitly read about: physical traits, location and
setting, family context, events that impact the character, etc. Internal
characteristics are those that are not easily seen: how the character thinks
and feels, along with their personality traits. As readers, we use the external
characteristics provided in the text to learn more about the hidden, internal
character traits that require inferring.
Project the character x-ray on the Smartboard or give one to
every student. Choose a character in a text that you are reading and search
through the book for evidence of the external characteristics: age,
nationality, physical traits, events in the text, etc.. You can choose to have
students write the traits on the outside of the x-ray or write the sentence the
trait was found in to work with text evidence in the upper grades. Once
complete, have a discussion about how those external traits impact the
character’s personality and their response to the events in the text (a Common
Core standard focused on heavily in the NYS ELA assessment). Write the inferred
inner character traits in the inside of the heart and body.
If you really want to go big like Jennifer Sheerer’s
classroom, have students trace their bodies on large pieces of butcher paper
and use that as a graphic organizer, rather than the template. Students can
work in small groups to collaborate and engage with text evidence, charting
their findings for the class. Here are some pictures of the projects in action.
Students worked in small groups to create character x-ray of Atticus from To
Kill A Mockingbird.
I hope this gives you some additional resources for
approaching character analysis. As any reader knows, meeting new characters is
like meeting new friends and we build connections that can last a lifetime of
This is awesome. Thank you for sharing Dr. Affinito!