One of
the reasons I am such a strong advocate for virtual coaching is because
teachers have a great deal of control across the coaching process: They choose
to enter the coaching partnership, they choose the day, time and location they
prefer to meet, they choose the goals they want to collaborate on and they
choose the videos of their instruction they want to share. When done right,
virtual coaching puts teachers squarely in control of their own learning.
tools are a powerful way to provide feedback on classroom practices and I have
been using video in my in-person literacy coaching for years. As part of my
coaching, teachers record clips of their teaching they would like feedback on.
By recording and sharing, teachers are in full control over what I see and
provide feedback on, lessening the angst that some teachers feel when inviting
coaches into their classrooms. In virtual coaching, this is the only way you
will interact with teachers. There aren’t opportunities to drop in live, to
learn together in grade level meetings or to collaborate in professional
learning. The coaching cycle is your sole form of coaching and therefore, must provide
teachers with positive, effective and specific feedback related to their chosen
goals. Therefore, feedback provided on these videos is incredibly important to
the coaching process. Here are a few guidelines when giving this kind of
feedback to teachers:
- Comment
frequently. It
can feel risky to share a part of your teaching self with a person you
will never meet in person. Earn trust by commenting frequently to clearly
show you appreciate their efforts and are invested in their learning.
- Use
the time-stamp feature. The beauty of virtual feedback is that we can
literally freeze time. If possible, insert your feedback in time-stamped
comments to directly connect your comments to instruction.
- Tag
your comments. Tagging
not only provides feedback for teachers, but helps you learn about
yourself as a coach. By tagging your comments with labels such as
celebration, wonderings, student engagement, materials, etc. teachers can
easily identify the purpose of your comment. As a coach, you can easily
see patterns in your feedback and can set goals for your own coaching.
- Remain
positive at all times. Coaching is just as much about teachers’
spirits as it is their expertise. Comment freely on each positive element
you see, from instructional techniques and language choices to student
engagement and wall decor. Teachers need to notice what they are doing
well, something other overlooked in their busy days.
- Keep
the goal in mind. Since virtual coaching is limited to observation and feedback
cycles, coaches can easily feel overwhelmed knowing their feedback on
video instruction is the only form of feedback they can provide, often
wanting to comment on as much as possible to give teachers the most out of
the coaching cycle. But it is important to keep the teachers’ coaching
goals in mind and focus constructive comments on those goals only. This
will help focus your feedback and ensure the teacher is getting what
he/she hoped for out of the coaching cycle.
- Make it interactive. Coaching cycles are build on conversations and the only way to have conversation through video comments is to invite interaction. While comments are important, be sure to ask questions, wonder and hypothesize and generate a conversation. Coaching is not a one-way street where coaches only coach teachers. Coaches also learn from each coaching partnership as co-learners for the sake of students.
So, how
do I remind myself of these important guidelines when giving feedback? I used
to list them on a piece of paper and tack it to the bulletin board next to my
laptop, but I would often forget to refer to them. Now, I create simple table tents (inspired by Jennifer Serravallo’s table tents for student conferences)
and prop them up wherever I am when I review the shared instructional videos.
These are instant, tangible reminders to remind me what I want to accomplish
when giving feedback. Like what you see? Go ahead and download it for your own
coaching space!
This was the second post in a blog series on virtual literacy coaching as part of an exciting partnership with Sibme. Head here to read all posts in the series and join the conversation!
This was the second post in a blog series on virtual literacy coaching as part of an exciting partnership with Sibme. Head here to read all posts in the series and join the conversation!
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