What if we made it a habit to leave unexpected notes of
appreciation to those that matter most to us? What if we took a few moments to
remind them they are valued, are appreciated and that we care about them? While
this is certainly essential in our personal life, it has the potential to
transform our professional lives as well. Imagine how the teachers we work with
would feel if we left them a simple, yet unexpected note of thanks or
appreciation? Imagine how they might feel to receive a note ‘just because’?
Every time I look at my saved notes from my family and colleagues, those
feelings race back again and are long-lasting. What if we cultivated those same
feelings of happiness in our schools and classrooms? I bet there would be a
tangible shift in the energy in the building.
Here are a few ways I'm going to get a new Thank You practice
started and you can, too:
Leave a card of thanks after working with a teacher. Thank
her for her teaching, for his willingness to work with you to elevate
instruction and for her dedication to her students. These can be quick messages
written on sticky notes or actual cards dedicated to this very purpose. I've
purchased these, these and these for exactly this reason.
Create notes of happiness for no reason at all. Simply thank
teachers for all they do unexpectedly and write a positive affirmation for
teachers to find and carry with them throughout the day.
Nestle surprises in unexpected places. Sneak a note of
appreciation to a magazine in the teachers’ lounge, tape a smiley face to the
back of a classroom door or write a backwards message to tape to the bathroom
wall across from the mirror for an unexpected surprise.
And sure, go digital, too! Jenna Kutcher, one of my favorite
podcasters, has a weekly practice of texting friends and family to simply say
hello and let them know they are appreciated. And we can do this, too. Just as
we might create a conferencing schedule with students, we can create a
texting/emailing schedule for teachers and personally check-in to simply
connect and let them know they are valued.
For me, the power of the note comes in the handwritten
personalization of it. Knowing that someone took the time to personally
recognize, thank or appreciate the work that I did is indescribable. I mattered
that much for someone to take the time for. These small acts of appreciation appeal to our
emotions and create a more connected community. As teachers reap the effects of
your actions, they are certain to pay it forward to their colleagues and
students to make their schools a better place to teach and learn together.
So, why not give teachers the time and space to start this
thankful practice with you? One idea is to end your professional learning sessions with
a bit of thanks. Invite teachers to think of three people they are currently
thankful for in their professional life. Have them choose one of them and write
a personal note of thanks. Be sure to provide thank you notes, cards and
writing utensils for the occasion. Or, if they prefer, they can create a
digital card instead using tools such as Evite or Zazzle. Encourage them to
deliver the notes and ensure those that support us feel supported themselves.
Doing this regularly supports a culture of thankfulness and gratitude. In fact,
you might even create a basket filled with note-writing supplies in your
coaching space for teachers to drop by and create a card whenever they would like
to. And you can do the same.
Share your ideas to cultivate thankfulness and gratitude in your learning community below!
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